“Lock up your libraries if you like; but there is no gate, no lock, no bolt that you can set upon the freedom of my mind.”—Virginia Woolf
New eras are often old times dusted off and dressed in different clothes.
A new age of book burning, book banning. Censorship and shutdown. Reality distorted to fill a vacuum when people are prevented from access to information.
Freedom-loving in one country looks too much like the fear of a free society in another land across the sea.
The right to fear something is taken as the right to ban inquiry, banish perspective, hide truths from our world.
But, thinking is free. And while the flow of information may find itself stifled and misdirected, it is never eradicated.
It takes resolve and bravery, two things sometimes in short supply. But, always available. Always within reach when we seek open-minded learning and cherish discernment over comfortable, unquestioning certainty.